Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I be glowin' (to the east...)

In what I probably view as a "That's enough Tenzen let's just finish this already" series of purchases, I finally finished upgrading my Burtgang this morning.

We had Tenzen pretty much down to a science. It was always made easier when we went with a bard to sleep the tarus instead of me, but all we really needed was at least two people (or in a few instances just one) who knew what to do and it went well.

I ended up needing 963 more to turn in this morning after another set of runs and decided to go ahead and just purchase the rest. This is mainly because any money I have made for the most part was due to selling the other upgrade items from the bazillion Tenzen runs I have done in the past two months. The 14 million gil I spent on these final pieces of Beitetsu were my own present and I feel well deserved.

So what does that give me? It gives me the most powerful Paladin sword not only for defense, but now at the same time one of the strongest offensive swords in the game - probably the strongest considering the aftermath potential.

I also now have two after glowed swords that I can use on Paladin - dual wielding Burtgang and Almace opens up the potential for an actual DD Paladin considering how much work I have put into my DD gear.

Let's review the gear acquisitions since my last post.

Merlinic Shalwar (x2)

I got these pretty soon after I wrote my last post. The augments I ended up with on the first pair were ideal for bursting but lacking magic accuracy. Those augments are INT+15, MAB+30, Burst damage +7%. These augments are pretty tough to beat for bursting. I ended up getting a 2nd pair two days ago and those have Macc+24 and MAB+37. I'm a little mad though there is no INT and no supplemental attribute on them though. I will likely throw more stones at these eventually.

Mujin Band, Locus Ring, Barkarole Earring

Black mage gear. The earring is perfect right next to a Friomisi earring for nuking and bursting.

Odyssean Chestplate

I finally got a Maju clear last week and this item dropped during it. While most were hoping for a Merlinic Jubbah drop (I kind of was too), I was happy to back into this and only have two people lotting against me for it. I won the lot and am very happy with the final augments I got on it. DEX+5, Acc+29, Attack+11, and Double Attack +5. This piece is now a permanent fixture in my DD and Hybrid sets. It also is now in my fast cast gear as well.

It also eliminates the need for an Emicho Haubert as far as I am concerned.

Zwazo Earring +1

Accumulated enough beaks during Gain XP to upgrade this piece. It is in my accuracy sets for pld and blu as well as my nm tank set on pld.

Niobid Strap

Backed into this piece while trying to acquire a 2nd Merlinic Hood (for bursting). A small upgrade over the Willpower grip I had been using. Also more MP for death when I get it.

Archon Ring

Shura and I finally said "Let's get this ADL thing done". We spent some time building two pop sets for Arch Dynamis Lord the other morning. It took longer to build the pops than it took to actually fight him.

By the way, the fight with Arch Dynamis Lord with two blus hacking at him was...easy. Like seriously, a light skill chain and a couple of WS did him in. He did split on the 2nd pop and that was confusing at first because you end up disengaging when he splits. We threw a spectral floe at them and found the regular one and he went down quick.

We ended up getting Archon rings on both pops, and 3 umbral marrows. Which were used on...

Aegis (99) Aegis! I purchased two more marrows off the AH and turned these in for the last upgrade to my Aegis. More shield bash damage, and more MDT. No argument there!

So now that I have finished the Burtgang after glowing, what now?

My BLM and PLD need a LOT of CP and I will continue to get those done either solo or in parties. I have a viable set of swords for dding now with on Paladin, and I am about 207 CP in to black mage. My tier VI spells are hitting for about 12k right now in my current nuke gear. I will continue to do this in Reisenjima for more stones.

I also need to build an aftermath set for my Paladin with lots of Store TP. when I have aftermath level 3 active. I have Odyssean hands, Valorous head, and Valorous Legs I will try to augment with Str/Dex, Att, Acc, and Store TP. I will also swap in Kentarch Belt +1, and another PLD cape with Store TP, Att, Acc, and Dex.

Other stones will go to the 2nd Merlinic Hood I eventually will get and hope for solid Burst augments.

And I of course will help out with a variety of nms, battles, and whatnot. I also have about 160 CP to go for BLU Master.

Thanks for reading!

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