Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Catching up with content

When I logged in for the first time in over 2 years, I found myself in Ceizak on PLD/THF. I had probably finished a Reive or something I couldn't recall.

I won't go into each detail of what I have done since but I can do a summary of what I did complete.


* Did Trust quests (this was probably one of the main reasons I decided to rejoin this game)
* Completed Rhapsodies of Vana'deil quests
* Used skirmish and alluvion skirmish to get armor and gear after getting an understanding of item level.
* Participated in reives, wildskeeper reives, etc. for more gear.
* Tried out Unity, Hard Mode Mission battles, etc.


* Escha fights
* Completed all Delve areas and purchased/upgraded/received a bunch of gear.
* Got my BLU out of the closet and learned some new spells.
* Got my PLD and BLU to a respectable level in terms of gear.
* Amassed a small fortune in selling stuff and using sparks.
* Got Claidheamh Soluis, full Taeon armor, and 4/5 Acro armor (minus Head) and spent a good deal of time and gil augmenting them with respectable augments.
* 119'd relic and artifact pieces on BLU and PLD that would be most useful.


* Decided it was time to do something significant and become a relic owner.
* Decided that wasn't nuts enough and wanted to become a mythic owner as well.
* Salvage...Nyzul...Assault..rinse and repeat 

That should pretty much bring you up to speed! 

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